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Fried Chicken > Does air fried chicken taste good

Does Air Fried Chicken Taste Good?

Air fryers have become an increasingly popular kitchen appliance in recent years, touted for their ability to make “fried” foods like chicken with a fraction of the oil. But the big question is – does air fried chicken actually taste good? Here’s a deep dive into the taste and texture of chicken prepared in an air fryer.

Does Air Fried Chicken Taste Good?

The short answer is yes, air fried chicken can taste quite good, with a tender and juicy interior similar to oven baked chicken and a crispy, crunchy exterior resembling fried chicken. While it may not be a perfect match for deep fried chicken, air fried chicken achieves a surprisingly close texture and flavor.

The hot swirling air in the air fryer works to crisp up the outside breading or coating, while the chicken inside cooks through gently and retains moisture, especially if it’s brined first. Using just a teaspoon or two of oil gives it a lightly fried taste without being greasy. Seasoning the chicken well before air frying also lends lots of flavor.

Typical seasonings like paprika, garlic powder, salt, and pepper replicate the spices used on fried chicken.

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The seasonings combined with the light oiling gives air fried chicken a satisfying, full chicken flavor. While perhaps not identical, many people find air fried chicken to be a very close match to the crunch and juiciness of deep fried, with a tender interior and crispy browned exterior.

It satisfies the crispy chicken craving in a healthier way, using minimal oil and calories compared to traditional frying. For those reasons, yes – seasoned, breaded air fried chicken can absolutely taste quite good.

Crispy, Juicy Texture

One of the main concerns with air fried chicken is that it won’t have the same crispy, juicy texture as deep fried chicken. However, many people are pleasantly surprised by the results using an air fryer. The circulating hot air crisps up the chicken skin nicely. Brining the chicken before air frying also helps keep the meat moist and tender. While the texture may not be 100% identical to deep frying, air fried chicken can achieve a pretty close crunch and juiciness.

Full Yet Lighter Flavor

Another common question is whether air fried chicken imparts the same full, rich flavor as traditionally fried chicken. The reduced amount of oil does mean it won’t have quite the same overwhelmingly fatty, greasy taste. However, using just a tablespoon or two of oil, many air fryer recipes coat the chicken with spices, herbs, and other seasonings to add lots of flavor. The light oiling along with the spices helps the chicken achieve a full, satisfying flavor profile, without being overly greasy or salty.

Better for You

One of the biggest benefits of air frying is it allows you to enjoy the taste and texture of “fried” chicken in a healthier way. Deep frying dunks the chicken in fat, adding hundreds of extra calories and grams of fat. Air frying uses little to no oil, significantly cutting the calories, fat, and sodium compared to deep fried chicken. For those looking for a lighter option or who need to watch their fat intake, air fried chicken provides a guilt-free way to enjoy crispy, juicy, flavored chicken.

Give It a Try

Air fried chicken may not be exactly the same as deep fried, but it can provide a very close match in terms of taste and texture. The best way to decide if you like it is to try air frying chicken yourself using a simple seasoned breadcrumb coating and minimal oil. Chances are you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the satisfying crunch and flavor. Air fried chicken is worth a taste for a healthier, lighter option that still satisfies your crispy chicken craving.

How does fried chicken taste in an air fryer?

Air fried chicken achieves a very similar taste and texture to deep fried chicken. The circulating hot air crisps up the breading or coating, giving it a nice crunch reminiscent of fried chicken. Seasoning the chicken well before air frying also imparts flavor throughout the meat. While not identical, air fried chicken gets quite close to the juicy interior and crispy exterior of traditional fried chicken. The overall taste is full chicken flavor with a lightly crispy, oily coating, but not overly greasy.

Is air fried chicken really that good?

Yes, air fried chicken can be quite delicious! When seasoned and cooked properly, air fried chicken achieves a tender interior for the chicken and a crispy, crunchy crust. It’s a healthier cooking method that closely mimics the taste of “fried” chicken but uses little to no oil. The reduced fat and calories makes air fried chicken a satisfying, lighter option. While not exactly the same as deep fried, many are surprised by how good air fried chicken can be.

Does air fried chicken really taste fried?

While it may not be exactly the same, air fried chicken can come very close to replicating the taste and texture of deep fried chicken, thanks to the crispy crust and juicy interior.

Is air fried chicken as unhealthy as deep fried chicken?

No. Air frying uses little to no oil, so it has significantly fewer calories, fat, and sodium compared to deep fried chicken. It’s a healthier alternative.

Does air fried chicken taste the same?

Air fried chicken comes very close to replicating the taste and texture of deep fried chicken, but there are some slight differences. The breading might not be quite as crispy and crunchy as deep frying. And the chicken may be a bit lighter and less greasy in flavor without as much oil absorbed. However, brining the chicken first and seasoned breadcrumbs help air fried chicken achieve nearly the same juicy, tender interior and crispy exterior as traditional frying. It’s not identical but can achieve a very close match.

Why does air fried chicken taste so good?

Air fried chicken tastes delicious because the circulating hot air crisps up the outside breading to perfection. Seasoning the chicken with spices like paprika and garlic powder also lends lots of flavor. The high heat cooks the chicken fully while retaining juiciness. And using just a bit of oil gives it a fried taste without excess grease. The combination of the tender chicken, crispy coating and seasoned breading is what makes air fried chicken taste so good.

What’s the best way to cook chicken in an air fryer?

Coating the chicken in breadcrumbs or panko and lightly misting it with oil leads to the crispiest results. Brining the chicken first also keeps the meat moist. Air fry at 380-400F for 15-20 minutes.

Does air fried chicken taste burnt?

It shouldn’t if cooked properly at the right time and temperature. Air fryers can sometimes dry out and burn chicken if overcooked. Keep an eye on it and adjust time if needed.

Is chicken better air fried or baked?

Air fried chicken is generally better than baking. Air frying cooks the chicken more quickly under high heat, crisping up the outside better. And air fried chicken uses little oil for flavor, unlike dry baked chicken. This gives air fried chicken a nice crunch and fried taste that baked chicken usually lacks. The faster cook time also keeps air fried chicken more moist and juicy. For the best texture and flavor, air frying is superior to baking.

Is fried chicken healthier than air fried chicken?

No, the opposite is true. Air fried chicken uses little to no oil, making it much lower in calories, fat, and sodium compared to deep fried chicken. Air frying is the healthier cooking method.


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