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Fried Chicken > Can you make fried chicken in the air fryer

Can You Make Fried Chicken in an Air Fryer?

Air fryers have become increasingly popular in recent years as a healthier way to enjoy traditionally fried foods. One of the most common questions about air fryers is whether you can use them to make crispy, juicy fried chicken without all the added oil of traditional frying. The short answer is yes – air fryers can absolutely be used to make delicious fried chicken with a fraction of the oil.

Can you make fried chicken in the air fryer?

Yes, you can absolutely make fried chicken in an air fryer. Air fryers are specifically designed to produce crispy, fried textures without submerging food in oil. The rapid circulation of hot air all around the food cooks the exterior to become crunchy and browned while keeping the interior juicy. This makes an air fryer the perfect appliance for making fried chicken.

To make fried chicken in an air fryer, start by cutting chicken into smaller pieces like drumsticks, thighs or wings rather than cooking a whole breast or chicken. Smaller cuts cook more evenly. Make sure to pat the chicken dry so the skin gets ultra crispy. Then coat the chicken in a light breading like flour, panko or cornmeal. The breading helps recreate that fried crunch.

Spray or brush a small amount of oil on top of the breaded chicken before cooking. This promotes browning in the air fryer. Cook the chicken at a high temperature, around 390°F, to properly crisp the outside before the inside overcooks. Halfway through, flip the chicken so both sides get evenly browned and cooked through.

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Cooking time can vary based on size of chicken cuts, but plan on 18-25 minutes for fried chicken in an air fryer. The bone-in chicken comes out with a perfect fried texture on the outside and tender, juicy meat on the inside. Air fried chicken tastes extremely close to deep fried with way less grease.

So, Can you make fried chicken in an air fryer? In summary, air fryers absolutely can make delicious fried chicken with crispy skin and juicy flavor in just 20-25 minutes. Following proper preparation methods, you can enjoy all the tastiness of fried chicken without the mess, calories, and fat of deep frying.

How an Air Fryer “Fries” Food?

Air fryers work by circulating super heated air around food at high speeds to cook and crisp the exterior. This allows you to get a crunchy, fried texture without submerging food in oil. The air fryer basket also drips excess fat and grease away from the food as it cooks. This results in chicken with a crisp exterior and juicy, tender interior with significantly less fat and calories compared to deep frying.

Tips for Fried Chicken in an Air Fryer

While air fryers make excellent fried chicken, there are some tips to get the best results:

    • Use smaller bone-in chicken pieces like drumsticks, thighs, and wings rather than whole chickens or breasts. The bones help keep the meat juicy.
    • Dry the chicken pieces well before seasoning and cooking for maximum crispness.
    • Coat the chicken in a light breading like flour, panko or cornbread crumbs to help mimic the fried texture.
    • Spray or brush a small amount of oil on the breaded chicken before air frying. This helps promote browning.
    • Cook at a high temperature, around 390°F to properly crisp the outside before the interior overcooks.
    • Flip chicken halfway during cooking to ensure even browning.
    • Check for doneness and adjust cook time as needed to prevent drying out.

How long do you cook fried chicken in an air fryer?

Cooking time can vary based on the size and amount of chicken, but expect it to take 18-25 minutes to cook fried chicken in an air fryer. Smaller pieces like drumsticks may only take 18-20 minutes, while larger chicken thighs may need the full 25 minutes. Always check internal temperature to ensure chicken reaches 165°F.

How Air Fryer Fried Chicken Compares to Deep Frying?

The fried chicken that comes out of an air fryer is very comparable to deep fried chicken in terms of texture and taste. The outside gets crispy and browned while the inside stays juicy and savory. The only noticeable difference is that air fried chicken absorbs slightly less oil, so the flavor is a bit lighter compared to deep frying. Overall, air fried chicken makes for a very satisfying, lighter alternative to enjoy this fried favorite.

In summary, air fryers are a great kitchen appliance for enjoying fried chicken without all the excess grease of deep frying. In just 20-25 minutes, you can make crispy, juicy fried chicken in your air fryer. Follow these tips for breading and cooking times to enjoy excellent fried chicken with significantly less fat and calories.

Is it safe to fry chicken in an air fryer?

Yes, air fryers are a safe appliance for frying chicken. The hot air system prevents any risks of submerging food in hot oil like traditional frying. As long as you follow recipe instructions, air fryer chicken is perfectly safe.

How long does it take to fry chicken in an air fryer?

Most bone-in, skin-on chicken pieces take 18-25 minutes to fully cook and crisp up in an air fryer set at around 390°F. Smaller drumsticks may take closer to 18 minutes, while larger thighs can go a full 25 minutes.

Does air fryer chicken taste like fried chicken?

Air fryer fried chicken can come extremely close to the flavor and texture of traditionally fried chicken. The skin gets crispy and the meat stays juicy and flavorful. The only difference is slightly less greasy flavor since much less oil is used.

Can you make fried food in an air fryer?

Yes, air fryers are designed specifically for cooking up healthier versions of traditionally fried foods. From fried chicken to french fries to donuts, you can absolutely make fried foods in an air fryer with a fraction of the oil.


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